Deep Vein Thrombosis Treatment

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a serious condition that occurs when a blood clot forms in a vein located deep inside your body. A blood clot is a clump of blood that’s turned to a solid state. Deep vein blood clots typically form in your thigh or lower leg, but they can also develop in other areas of your body.

Deep Vein Thrombosis Treatment in India

DVT or Deep Vein Thrombosis is a severe medical condition, which occurs due to the formation of a blood clot in a vein located deep inside your body. Usually, deep vein blood clots form in the lower leg or thigh. However, they can develop in other areas of the body as well.

This condition is often called post-thrombotic syndrome, thromboembolism, and postphlebitic syndrome. DVT requires immediate medical attention and when it comes to availing reliable DVT treatment in Mumbai, India, there is no better alternative than Dr. Jathin’s Vein Center. With the experience of years and ultimate dedication, our doctor is continuing to help people in getting rid of DVT and live a blissful life.

deep vein thrombosis

Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) – Symptoms

The symptoms of Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) may include –

  • Vigorous leg pain that starts in your calf and gives you strong cramps. You can also notice soreness along with pain.
  • The affected leg or in rare cases, both legs may get swollen.
  • Unusual warmth feeling in the affected leg.
  • Discolored or red skin on the affected leg.

These are the most common symptoms of DVT, however, sometimes DVT shows up no symptoms at all.

When should you go for a DVT test?

deep vein thrombosis

If you develop any little sign of DVT, you need to reach out to a specialist. Sometimes, unknowingly people avoid the indications of DVT, which may lead to a life-threatening complication of Deep Vein Thrombosis, called pulmonary embolism. So, it’s always a wise idea to go for a DVT test if you notice any little symptom.

Understanding Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism

deep vein thrombosis

To omit the chances of unwanted complications caused by DVT, you need to understand the concepts of both Deep Vein Thrombosis and Pulmonary Embolism. As said before, PE is a complicated form of DVT. In pulmonary embolism, one or more arteries in the lungs get blocked by blood clots.

When DVT reaches its most severe stage, the blood clots caused by DVT travel from the legs or any other part of the body and reach the lungs and lead to pulmonary embolism. The symptoms of pulmonary embolism include the following.

  • Rapid pulse
  • Shortness of breath
  • Spilling or coughing up blood
  • Severe chest pain
  • Dizzy or light-headed feeling

Understanding the consequences of DVT, it’s imperative to concern a specialist. To avail of the best DVT treatment in Mumbai, India, get in touch with us unhesitatingly. With updated infrastructure, devoted staff members, and adept doctor, currently, we are leading in rendering DVT treatment in the country.

Deep Vein Thrombosis – Causes

deep vein thrombosis

When you get damage to a vein from any trauma or surgery and inflammation caused by an infection or injury, DVT may occur. In simpler words, anything that causes a blood clot may eventually result in deep vein thrombosis.

DVT – Knowing the risk factors

The risk of developing DVT includes several factors.

  • Age

If you have already crossed your 60, you are at more risk of DVT. However, it’s not necessary that DVT can’t occur at a younger age.

  • Genetics

At times, DVT is genetic as well. Many people inherit disorders like factor V Leiden which make the blood clot more quickly. However, an inherited disorder may not cause blood clots on its own unless it’s combined with other risk factors.

  • Birth control pills

Excessive use of birth control pills may increase the blood’s ability to clot.

  • Prolonged bed rest

If you are prolonged bed rest, you can experience the formation of blood clots, in the calves of your legs. It happens when the calf muscles are deprived of movement for a long time.

  • Pregnancy

Usually, women who have an inherited clotting disorder experience DVT post-pregnancy. The postnatal period, specifically up to six weeks after having the baby carries the most chances of getting DVT.  It happens because pregnancy raises the pressure in the pelvis veins and legs.

  • Smoking

Smoking has a great impact on blood circulation and clotting. It may increase the risk of deep vein thrombosis.

  • Obesity

If you are overweight, you are more prone to DVT because excessive weight increases the pressure in the legs and pelvis veins.

Apart from that stated ones, sometimes there is absolutely no risk factor of DVT. This is known as unprovoked VTE.

Preventing DVT deep vein thrombosis

Indeed, no one can go against fate however, there is no harm in putting some effort to prevent this unwanted health hazard. After all, “prevention is better than cure”.

There are myriad ways to prevent DVT deep vein thrombosis.

  • Manage your weight by exercising regularly.

As discussed before, obesity is one of the greatest risk factors of DVT. If you exercise regularly, it helps you to manage your weight. Besides, it reduces the chances of blood clotting.

  • Control smoking

Since smoking increases the risk of DVT, it’s better to cut down the counts and reduce the chances.

  • Don’t sit still

If you sit still for long hours due to work, don’t forget to take breaks and roam around. When you are sitting still, avoid crossing your legs as it may block the blood flow and cause clotting. If you are traveling a long distance by care, make sure you stop every hour and walk around and continue the journey. If it’s not possible, at least consider exercising your lower legs.

The mentioned methods can help you in keeping DVT away.

Treatment of deep vein thrombosis

deep vein thrombosis

When you reach us for treatment of deep vein thrombosis, we stick to three primary goals.

  1. Stopping the clot from getting bigger.
  2. Reducing the chances of other DVT.
  3. Stopping the clot from passing to the lungs.

Being one of the best centers for DVT treatment in Mumbai, India, we always keep ourselves updated with the latest treatment methodologies. Our skilled doctor may offer you the following treatment options.

  • Clot busters

If you have already developed a severe type of DVT or PE, our doctor may put you on a thrombolytic. Our doctor usually places these drugs into the clot using an IV or a catheter. However, since clot busters may lead to heavy bleeding, our doctor uses them only for patients with severe blood clots.

  • Compression stockings

Our exclusive blood clot in leg treatment includes the use of special knee socks that helps in reducing the chances of clotting. Our doctor may suggest you wear them to help prevent swelling associated with DVT.

  • Blood thinners

This is the most common treatment for DVT offered by our expert vascular surgeon. A drug named anticoagulants or blood thinners help in preventing the blood clots from getting bigger. However, these drugs don’t break up the existing blood clots like the clot busters. Our doctor may suggest you take these drugs orally or if necessary, he may inject them. Sometimes they may also be placed using IV.

Apart from the stated ones, there are a few other methods to treat DV, our expert doctor will first check the condition and then he will put you on the right treatment methodology.

For more information on DVT and help regarding the treatment, feel free to reach us anytime. With patient-centric approach and affordable treatment costs, we will help you in gaining the best experience of DVT treatment in Mumbai, India. Get in touch; we would be more than happy to help.

What People Say About Us

We have treated many patients in last more than two decades, here are some sharing their experience with us.

"Very happy with the treatment. Thanks to all the nursing staff and Dr. Jathin. Dr. Jathin was very nice in explaining everything to us. Special thanks to the insurance team for making is very smooth."
Ashraf Hussain
Ashraf Hussain
Google Review
"Life changing experience. Not only my legs look better , they feel so much better. The cramps , swelling and heaviness are all gone . Thank you Dr. Jathin sir. Thank you Nikil and Rohan for getting me the appointment with Dr. Jathin"
Tasnur Khan varicose veins treatment
Tasnur Khan
Google Review
"Very professional team. I felt very confident going into the procedure and was so pleased with the results. I Highly recommend Dr. Jathin and his team."
Sanjay Pal varicose veins treatment
Sanjay Pal
Google Review
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